Some investors were given a shocking lesson in 2008 when stocks took a nosedive after years of double-digit gains. Many forgot that the market can move in two directions and subsequently saw their portfolios lose as much as half their value. Yet …

How to create STRONG passwords.

1. Choose a word that is uncommon, like a slang word or nickname.    EXAMPLE: snooky 2. Substitute at least ONE lowercase letter with an uppercase letter.    EXAMPLE: sNooky 3. Substitute at lease ONE letter with a numeral.    EXAMPLE: sNo0ky 4. Substitute at least ONE letter/numeral for a SPECIAL character.    EXAMPLE: $No0ky …

Are the Rich Smarter?

This is from my favorite author Alex Green and if you remember I did a YouTube post back on December 19th about Alex and his new book. Here is Alex’s Article: Growing up, when I got into an argument with my mother, …