The Obama administration is continuing its drive to convince both Congress and the U.S. voting public that it's a good idea to intervene in a foreign civil war that's taking place between a sovereign, non-ally government and a hodge podge of religious and moderate rebel groups in Syria. Whether or not President Barack Obama will succeed in his drive to invade yet another Middle Eastern country remains to be seen, as some Congressional leaders are beginning to balk at the notion of an open-ended conflict and poll after poll show that the American people do not want even to launch limited missile strikes at critical military targets.
It's likely that, at the very least, the Senate will pass a resolution supporting the war drive. Comments from senior Republican senators suggest that the two sides are coalescing around the perceived need to intervene on the rebellion's behalf.
"There is a reasonable chance that maybe by the end of the day we'll be in a place where we're in consensus," Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said in an interview with Politico. "People felt like this morning was formative – I think it allowed some consensus to develop."
What is far less certain is whether or not a similar measure will pass the House, which has a much more conservative – and provocative – Republican caucus. Many of the members could very well be hearing from their constituents that a Syrian intervention is not in the best interest of the United States, and considering that they hail from nationally "safe" districts, they could side with their own voters and fail to pass a war bill.
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